Two (Wig) Heads Are Better Than None
Long after my mom gave up wearing wiglets in the 60’s and 70’s, she still had the Styrofoam heads that she used to keep them on for styling. Occasionally she’d use them for sizing hats she made, but they generally just hung around her craft corner, keeping their eyes on the fabric, glue, etc. Well, they didn’t really have eyes, but you get the idea.
She didn’t really need them but didn’t want to just throw them out. Then she got an idea. The next time my daughter and her cousin were over and looking for something to do, she suggested they paint them.
It’s hard to calculate how many hours of fun they had, let alone how many coats of paint those things got, but let’s just say “many” and let that go.
It’s not your eyes - this is blurry, but it’s the only pic I could turn up. This was taken back in the days when we got pictures developed and printed before we could see how they looked.
They’d do them up as glamorous ladies, self portraits, aliens, all kinds of things. When they wanted to do it again, they recoated them in a plain color and they were ready for the next inspirations.
Later on, I bought some to have at our house. I picked up a couple at a beauty supply shop and they were about $2 or $3 each. Now that’s a bargain.
Then a few years ago when I was teaching Art, I needed one for a lesson on painting faces in shadow like Rubens often did. Ours were showing some wear – one had a chipped off nose – and they had both been painted over several times, so I looked for a new one.
I don’t know if the same variety was available before and I missed it or if the styro wig head industry has expanded, but now there are different shapes and poses, and men, too.
A site called Wilshire Wigs has a style that looks pretty generic and realistic, whereas most of the others are stylized in a Barbie sort of way. I thought maybe art supply stores would have more realistic ones but haven’t seen that. Some have names like “Annie” and “Diane” and “Donna Bella”.
I haven’t seen any with specifically ethnic features, or children, but they may be out there. Some have a flat blank face, so that’s another option. They’re still cheap –generally in the range of $4 - $7. WalMart, Michaels, Hobby Lobby carry them, and of course wig stores.
Painting wig heads is great fun for rainy days, quarantine days, and any beat-the-boredom day. Homeschoolers might want to use a flat front one for attaching a drawing of someone they’re studying – I could see changing it out for each president, scientist, etc. Ooh, I like that one.
Last spring when we were in home isolation, my teenage daughter and I pulled ours out and had some fun. Aren’t they gorgeous?! Wink, wink.
The two of them are up high on a bookcase in our office/craft/sewing room, just keeping an eye on things and reminding me of a fun time, even in quarantine.