A Number of Gift Ideas for Those Big-Numbered Birthdays
Maybe it’s “the big 4-0” for someone you care about, or 5-0, 6-0, or more. There’s a party and you need a gift. That might mean “Uh-oh” for you.
Gift giving is sooo much easier for kids. They want everything and have no way to get it themselves. For adults, it’s the opposite. We pretty much have everything we want that’s in the price range for a gift from a friend, co-worker, or even someone that loves us very much.
My gift for you, and it’s probably not even your birthday and I know there’s no slice of cake in it for me, is this: work with the number. I’ll come at this from the example end first, and you’ll understand.
A few years ago a friend was celebrating her 40th. Hmm, what to get...what to get? Her garden came to mind. I figured she probably already had all the tools, books, clever garden plaques, etc.
But, flowers are the one thing you can never have too much of. Okay, a bouquet of fresh flowers is always a welcome gift, but for someone who likes growing things, how about some to grow?
You may be thinking that the person already has beautiful plantings, or maybe it’s October and cold where they live. And how does that work with this number thing anyway?
I say, tulips. Everyone likes them, they take no special care, and their brief bloom makes us appreciate them even more. Plus, if the ground is frozen, they’ll wait, so this gift works any time of year.
Most special though, is that they’re thoughtful. My friend was tickled.
They’re also inexpensive and small, so you can give 40 or 50 or whatever number marks the birth anniversary at hand. Gardeners like to tinker and putz, so they’ll either have a perfect spot for them or find places to tuck them in.
When my nephew turned 30 and had just bought his first house, I gave him thirty. Normally flowers and men aren’t your first thought, but in this case he was thrilled to have a component for his landscape plans. The first spring that they bloomed, he sent me pictures, thanked me again and said he was thinking of me. Now who got the best of that one, I ask you.
This happens to be still in the ‘yard’ realm, but when my older brother turned 60, I bought sixty yard waste bags. Exceedingly practical, yes, but funny, too, because he has a rep for being a little persnickety about his lawn care.
Still a little drab, though, so I wrote on them. Each one got some interesting or funny fact about either the number 60 - a famous person who was that age when they did their famous thing, or something that happened the year he was born.
He loved them. It took him years to use them up, but every time he shook out a new one, he got a smile. And...the garbage truck crew caught on and enjoyed them too!
I’m sure you get it. It doesn’t have to be tulips or lawn bags, and probably won’t be for your gift-ee. Think about your special person and what they like. Then think of what you can give them that comes in round numbers or can be had in the number you want. I’d love to hear your ideas!
And, hey, if the numbers don’t line up exactly, there could be a treat for you in the extras. Nothin’ wrong with that. I’ve got a few lovely pink tulips in my yard to prove it.